First Look: Stern Dungeons & Dragons Pro (first impressions)

I’m feeling a bit under the weather but decided to drag out my pinball cam and try to get a quick video of my first impressions with this new game. I hope you enjoy it.

I got the game designers wrong – my bad: Brian Eddy and Dwight Sullivan. Still recovering from being sick.

First Look: Zaccaria Farfalla – interesting restoration project

Here’s an interesting project. This game was dropped on me in partially disassembled state, and I have limited experience with this hardware platform, so I’m being extra careful to make sure I get everything in order. Watch with me as I survey this amazing cool game!

Early gameplay video of first Hot Wheels pinball prototype

Here is a short video of the first public demo of the Hot Wheels pinball machine – from a convention in New Orleans right before Covid exploded and everything was shut down. This is an early prototype of the game, that likely has unfinished code and playfield. This video has been in the archives and I thought it might be interesting to show what the game looked like the very first time it appeared in public, which was at an amusement machine expo in New Orleans.

And here is part 2:

“Hey Professor!” First Look: Gilligan’s Island

Here’s the first of another multi-part series of stories on some recent game pick ups.   Come look with me as I discover new pinball machines in the wild and take them back to the lair to examine and restore! This was from a lot of about five games I picked up from a company that was going out of business. This was the main game I wanted but I had to get the entire package. Boo hoo. 😉