This is a very fun game that I recently dragged back to my house to work on. It was being a bit cranky and I finally got a chance to fiddle with it and get it working. I’m still tweaking it but wanted to do some gameplay videos. I forgot how really fun this game is. It’s all about nudging. This is one of the best games to learn the subtle art of nudgng on and widely regarded in pinball collection circles. Come see what the fuss is about..
People often ask what’s the deal with AAB (Add A Ball) games? How and why were they made? Here’s a short segment where I talk about this group of pinball machines and what prompted their creation.
In my ongoing series I’m taking a look at individual features of pinball machines and how they work. Even the most mundane elements of games may reveal a few secrets you might not know!
This is a game I featured in episode #17 of pinball stories. A recent game I picked up and was sitting in my living room that I’ve been working on restoring. I finally got the game playable and wanted to do a test-stream of my camera rig so why not do a Pinball Showcase? What you have here is a portion of the live stream of me demo’ing the 1967 Gottlieb Hi-Score pinball machine. A surprisingly fun game to play, albeit a rather simple and shallow rule set.
In the video I explain the rule set but I wasn’t immediately able to figure out under what conditions the reward scale for the roulette wheel resets. After playing a few more times I figured it out. If you hit the max payout for A, B or C, it then resets, otherwise it will remember and carry over the current payoff scale from ball to ball AND player-to-player. So this means it’s possible for a player to steal the progress of another player for a larger roulette payout. That’s pretty cutthroat!
You ever run across one of those pinball deals that turns out to be so sweet, you are afraid you’re going to get mugged getting the game into your vehicle? This is one of those deals. A really amazing find that I didn’t expect..
I’d never done this before and wasn’t sure it would work out, but this is the story of grabbing a game sight unseen from an estate auction in Arkansas.
Sometimes you make a pinball deal because the price is great, but you’re not sure if you can restore the game or even if you should. But if you’re patient, everything falls into place. This is one of those stories.