Pinball Philosophy: “Ghosts In The Machine” – when games give you recurring headaches

In this video I talk about how some pinball machines can just be repeatedly difficult to work with, and why that might be. It’s one of the things many players and operators sometimes run into: a game that just won’t run reliably. What are the causes for this?

First Look: Stern Dungeons & Dragons Pro (first impressions)

I’m feeling a bit under the weather but decided to drag out my pinball cam and try to get a quick video of my first impressions with this new game. I hope you enjoy it.

I got the game designers wrong – my bad: Brian Eddy and Dwight Sullivan. Still recovering from being sick.

Arcade Walk-thru: Flippin’ Great Pinball in Tallahassee, Florida

Here’s a short video of a glimpse inside a cool arcade in downtown Tallahassee, Florida near the college campus featuring a nice array of old school pinball machines.

For more check out their web site:

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