Repairing/Restoring An Atari Star Wars Arcade

This is an ongoing series of videos showing my progress on rebuilding all the electrical components of a vintage Atari Star Wars arcade game. This includes rebuilding the power supply, the audio power board, the audio board, the MPU board, the display controller, the deflector board, the high power CRT board and other items.

NOTE: This is an ongoing series and more videos will be added to the playlist so be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications to receive updates of more progress.

Pinball Stories #19: Random Discovery of Rare Game

I have a game in my collection that is in my “restoration queue” – it’s sitting in the corner of a back room and every time I look at it, I’m reminded I need to pull it out and take a look at it – and I am anxious to do this and share with you what I find. But there are a half dozen games in front of it so I can’t do it right now. But what I can do is tell you how I got it in this latest episode of “Pinball Stories”…

First Look: Atari Airborne Avenger – Steve Ritchie’s first pinball game!


Funny story how I picked this game up… I was in Dallas at TPF and basically I noticed this odd machine in the back of the exhibit hall with a “for sale” sign on it. I knew the guy selling it, called him on the phone and made a quick deal. What’s funny is he picked up the game earlier in the day after some local saw a pinball machine in his truck, pulled off the road and said, “Hey you like pinball machines? I have one at my house about a mile away, want it?” And he went over, grabbed the game, threw it into the exhibit hall for a quick flip. It’s funny how these things turn out.